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Re: Group conversation

Post by YoDude »

Sounds like a happy ending for you and (x). :thumbup:

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Re: Group conversation

Post by BlacktopTravelr »

It isn't a funny story, but to kill time I will tell it anyway. When I got out of Navy boot in San Diego I was granted 2 weeks leave before I had to show up at my ship. So like everyone else that has gotten out of boot I went home to show off my new Navy monkey suit. I went to the airport in San Diego and had to wait for my flight back to Okla. I happen to be sitting at the counter with one of the guys I went thru boot with. We were just killing time when a guy I didn't know or recognize sat down next to me. The guy I was talking to suddenly got real quite and I asked him what was the matter? He leaned over and whispered "Do you know who that is that just sat down next to you?" I glanced at the guy sitting next to me and I didn't know him so I said "No, I don't know who it it." My friend from boot said that is Cesar Romero. Being the dumb Okie I had no idea who he was. I did notice that he seemed to be popular as people would walk up to him and ask a question or two.

So when I get home my mom asked me if I has saw anyone important. I explained to her I was at boot camp and didn't get to town, but that I did see some guy named Cesar Romero at the airport who sat down next to me and told me how proud he was of us joining the military since we had on our dress blues. Her eyes got real big and she asked me if I got his autograph. I said no I didn't even know who he was until I was told by my friend. I always wondered why people would ask him for his autograph. Now I know, he was "The Joker" on Batman. :bang: I sat next to the Joker and didn't even recognize him or get his autograph. :cry:
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Re: Group conversation

Post by BlacktopTravelr »

Well, it may not be bizarre to you but it was to me when it happened. Our ship went out for the weekend to train reserves since that is what we did. While we are out we get orders to met somebody at a certain point. So we show up and the captain gets a coded message. After it is decoded we steam over to where it tells us we will meet a sub. While we are sitting out there waiting for the sub to show up the forward lookout shouts that there is a torpedo headed at us from 90 degrees starboard (right). We all run over to the starboard side and sure enough there is a torpedo headed at us. It gets about 200 ft away from us and you hear it's motor quit and it sinks a little bit. It sank enough for it to go under our ship and pop up to the surface on the port (left) side. It seems that is what we were suppose to do, let the sub shoot torpedoes at us and they would pop up on the other side and the other ship with us would pick them up. It would have been better if we had known that was what we were doing. :bonk:

A really bizarre tale. I used to take an old Indian man home from the bar since no one else would. When sober he was really talented and make some great sandstone carving. He offered me one once but I turned it down. I should have taken it since they were really valuable. Anyway, back to the story. He only lived a few miles out in the county so it was no hassle to take him home. One night he was really drunk. It seemed something was bothering him. He was so drunk that we put him in the back seat. I was driving along and I could hear him mumbling that he didn't want to get out and he reached up and locked the door. I drove a little farther and I hear the door unlock and he once again said "I don't want to get out" and reached up and locked the door. This happened about 4 times and the 5th time I happen to be looking over the seat at him when the door unlocked itself. :shock: That is when he again said "I don't want to get out" and reached up and locked the door. All this time he was passed out in the backseat. When I got him home I told his wife what had happened on the way and she said "Oh don't worry about it. It was probably just some Indian spirits trying to get him out of the car." Now I had heard of evil Indian spirits all my life since I ran around with Indians, but that was the first (but not the last) time I had ever had an experience with one. :bang:
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Re: Group conversation

Post by YoDude »

American Natives are a, 'Strange Breed'.

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Re: Group conversation

Post by BlacktopTravelr »

Yes they are and they have strange beliefs.
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Re: Group conversation

Post by YoDude »

No kidding.....If you try to tell them, Sasquatch doesn't might find yourself staked down on a fire ant hill. And I ain't givin' no sh!t about that either!

Intelligence is just the right thing to have, to render yourself extinct.

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