Who Died at Auschwitz

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by hillsy v2 »

Designer wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:37 am

Posting Factual Reality that Stays Right On Topic to the subject matter of The Threads Discussion seems to go right over the heads of others. :uhh:
The only thing you see here is another opportunity to bash Muslims.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

Anyone Of Mature Insight can't help but understand the sorrow that The Author expresses and sympathize with him over the changes he has witnessed in his Europe.
I have heard similar from the several other Europeans whom I am in contact with.

Added to this, is the insanity of the Blatant Anti-Semitism,...even violence,...of the pro-hamas "protests" in America.

Suzuki Johnny wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:57 pm
I received this email from a dear friend of mine and he had received it from a close friend of his.....I'm sharing it with the board, One can only assume it was written by a European.

Who Died at Auschwitz
With what is happening in the Middle East now I feel this should be passed along ...

It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe, and possibly to the rest of the world.
I walked down the streets in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth: Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a group of people who represented culture, thought, creativity, talent.
We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who made great contributions to the world, and thus changed the world.

The contribution of today’s Jewish people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. Look at any donors’ board at any symphony, art museum, theatre, art gallery, science center, etc. You will see many, many, Jewish surnames.
These are the people who were burned. Of the 6,000,000 who died, how many would have grown up to be gifted musicians, doctors, artists, philanthropists?

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the diseases of racism and bigotry, Europe opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.


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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

This woman sees what what was said in the Original Posting;

Beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek Delivers Historic Speech “The Great Replacement Reality” at CPAC Hungary and Euro Elites Are Losing It – Elon Musk Weighs In – VIDEO
By Jim Hoft Apr. 29, 2024

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/0 ... placement/

The unexpected highlight of the weekend conference may have been the riveting speech by the beautiful Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

Eva did not hold back in her defense of Christian Europe and the current assault by the globalist left to destroy our civilization.
Here is the transcript from Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s CPAC speech.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Hello, Hungary. Hello, Budapest. Hello, fellow Europeans and American friends. Thank you so much for having me. Allow me to skip from Mathies for a moment and dive right into a subject that is not so cheerful, but very, very necessary to discuss. Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe.

This week in Stockholm, three Three elderly women in their 70s were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets. In London, four people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours. In Paris, hundreds of Afghan migrants took to the street to riot. And – also in France, yet another church was burned down to the ground. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent. But we all know that these incidents aren’t incidents anymore. If there’s one thing that’s for sure is that we know, and our governments also know, that there is a link between mass migration and crime.

In a Dutch city of Dordrecht, something interesting happened the other day. They announced, and this is a small city in the Netherlands, in my home country, that a new asylum center will be put in that little town. And what did the municipality do? They said, We are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of this center, a thousand euros to take extra safety measures. Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, even beheadings. But let me be clear about one thing. This did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.

Samuel P. Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote, and I quote, In the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive, important, and dangerous conflict will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities. Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations. Well, boy, was he right? And the worst part is, we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it. When another white boy or a white girl dies at the hand of an immigrant, We might shake our head, we might let out a sigh, we might even get angry for a minute or two, and then we go on with our lives. We offer the family thoughts and prayers, but nothing ever changes.

Ladies and gentlemen, what does that say about us? This is the response of a society that has already given up, a society that has already accepted its defeat. But is this true? Have we given up? Do we really accept the new reality that our globalist leaders have in mind for us? I know one thing for sure, and that is that if nothing changes, if we don’t start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in will go down in history as the in which Western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered. This time will then go down in history as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by a corrupt elite. And not only did this corrupt elite invite the enemy in, they made the native population pay for it, too.

Everyone who has eyes can see it. The native, white, Christian, European population is being replaced at an ever-accelerating rate. Let me back this up for you with some statistics from my home country. Let’s take Amsterdam, the capital. Amsterdam currently consists of 56% migrants. The Hague, 58% migrants. Rotterdam, almost 60% migrants. Of course, most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-western, African and Middle Eastern countries. Conclusion, the Dutch population is already outnumbered in the majority of our cities. But let’s look onwards. London, 54% migrants. Again, conclusion, native population outnumbered. Brussels, color me shocked, 70% migrants. Conclusion, native population, majorly outnumbered. Other Europeans will, of course, follow suit soon if they haven’t already.

I’m going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The great replacement theory is no longer a theory, it’s reality. What’s interesting about replacement is that the establishment will either deny its existence or when they admit to it, they say that it’s a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent. Dutch national disgrace, and dubbed Climate Pope, Frantz Timmermans, already stated in 2015 that diversity is humanity’s destiny, and that Europe will be diverse.

And of course, by now, I think we all know what they mean with the word diversity. It means less white people, less of you. Imagine this in an Asian or an African country. Imagine their leaders rejoicing in the fact that their people will soon no longer be a majority in their own country. Absolutely unthinkable, unimaginable. Reasonable. So what in the world is wrong with our leaders? The underlying sentiment of what they say is always the same. Our establishment claims that white people are evil and that Our history is somehow fundamentally different from that of others. Consciously or unconsciously, they have sucked up the lies and the anti-white dogmas of the neo-Marxist critical race theory.

That’s what the totalitarians in Brussels are trying to force you, the Hungarian people, a sovereign nation, to accept immigrants despite the fact that the population has said no, and so has the government. But make no mistake, the majority of the Dutch people haven’t asked for this either. Just like Brussels is forcing Hungary to accept these words of immigrants, they are doing the same now, even in the smallest of towns in the Netherlands. No part may remain remain Dutch in the traditional sense of the word. No part of Europe may remain European. It’s not difficult to understand why. If the old Europe still exists in certain places, then people will be able to compare the new Europe to the old, and news flash, they will prefer the old. That’s why the Eurocrats hate Hungary so much.

And their message is clear. Our way of life, our Christian religion, our nations, they have to go without exception. Their vision of the future is the neoliberal, unrecognizable Europe, where every city becomes like Brussels. Ugly, dirty, unsafe, zero social cohesion, where the buildings are constantly under construction and they never, ever seem to finish. Even when they do, the end result is ugly or somehow than what they started with. What are we left with? A permanent state of isolation, confusion, and disorientation. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the New World Order.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by FallenAngel »

Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day will be observed this year starting Sunday evening, 5 May 2024 through Monday, 6 May 2024. The official State Opening Ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day will take place on Sunday 5 May, at 20:00, in Warsaw Ghetto Square, Yad Vashem, on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the genocide of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, an attempt to implement its "final solution" to the Jewish question. 27 January was chosen to commemorate the date when the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army in 19

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Tbeck »

Fallen, that's the 10 million dollar question; was there a final solution? I get it a lot of European Jews died between 37 and 45. The real question is how/where/why? Looking at the historical records the greatest losses occurred in Poland and the Russian border. When you look at the German invasion into Poland and the blitzkrieg tactics that answer's that question. Again looking at operation Barbarossa (German operation against Russia) and factor in the dominant population in that pathway, it explains the question.
Next you have to look at the meticulous nature of the Germans who documented everything. The 1st stage of denying German Jews rights, 2nd stage moving them to the ghettos, 3rd stage deporting them to camps, all VERY well documented. And of course prior to stage 2 the German Jews were encouraged to leave Germany. Kinda strange to tell them to leave if your plan was to exterminate the entire population. It's also important to understand that the plans/stages only affected German Jews. So since the aforementioned is well documented, it's puzzling that there's NO documentation for this "final solution" anywhere. Yes there were communications regarding a final solution to the Jewish problem but one needs to go way out on a limb and speculate about what was being discussed in the communication's. I like the idiot's who claim it was a code where a certain word meant kill all the Jews. Except it's laughable because sometimes the word means what they claim but other times it doesn't.
Anyhow it is an interesting event in history that because of the allies post war activity we'll never really know the truth. It will always be presented in the manner it has been since around 1947-48.
If you're interested in this stuff there's really good documentation for the Ukraine genocide Holodomor in approximately 1933. Roughly 80% of the population starved to death (est. 3.5-7 million). Some of the first hand accounts are chilling to say the least. Everyone knew it was taking place but not a single country stepped in to stop it. The US government went so far as to block news coverage of what was taking place.
My point here is that history is full of these events. We can acknowledge they took place and learn from them, or we can pick a new group to become the scapegoats.
Yes immigrants from under developed nation's are going to bring some bad behaviors with them. The question is really how should European's, or Americans for that matter address these problems without resorting to condemning all? It's a tough problem with no easy solution. Sending them back isn't going to work so we better find a better solution.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by relax »

The Evian Conference in 1938, in France, outside Geneva, Switzerland, is not often talked about after WWII, at least not here in Europe. Perhaps understandable when you see the result of the conference, and what happened a few years later.
That some, within the Nazis, wanted, or worked for, extermination, may be so, but it was clear from the said conference that there were not many (one or two) of invited countries, who were willing to help the Jews who were strongly undesirable in Germany.

https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/ ... conference

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

Yes, relax,...it Is True that there were Nazis who worked ON extermination,...it was Photographically Documented at the Concentration Camps.

And moving forward,...here's more about what is happening in Europe that the Author of the Article in the Original posting laments;

European and British Muslims are calling for a new caliphate
By Andrea Widburg April 28, 2024

Even before 2015, Europe, including the UK, has opened its doors to Turkey, North Africa, and the Middle East. Part of it was leftist guilt about colonialism, and part of it was the need for labor to make up for a Western population that had stopped having children. Then, in 2015, Angela Merkel opened the floodgates to the only people who hate Jews, Christians, and Western Civ more than Hitler and his Nazis did. Now, Europe and the UK are reaping what they sowed, as the Muslims nearing critical mass in those nations push for a caliphate. Their confidence in making this demand is reasonable, given their rising population and the West’s strong support for Hamas.

While the European countries and the UK probably still have overall Muslim populations that are less than 10% and even hover closer to 5%, it’s important to note that Muslims are disproportionately represented in the capital cities. For example, while England’s overall Muslim population is around 6.5%, the percentage of Muslims in London is 15%. In Paris, about 10-15% of its population identifies as Muslim. Berlin’s Muslim population is 11.4%, while Hamburg, even before 2015, had so many Afghan immigrants that it was known as Little Kabul. It’s now estimated that Muslims are about 8% of the Hamburg population.

My obsession with the percentage of Muslims relative to the overall population is because small changes in those numbers make a very big difference. Dr. Peter Hammond’s famous analysis of patterns in Muslim immigration shows that Muslims disproportionately throw their weight around even when they are a relatively small percentage of the overall population.

At 2-5%, they’re recruiting and proselytizing; at 5-10%, they are pushing for cultural accommodation (halal food, hijabs on driver’s licenses); at 10-20%, they begin to use low-level violence to force the dominant population to accede to their demands; from 20-40%, they become violent on a much larger scale; from 40-60%, they actively wage war on the non-Muslims in their country; and after that, it’s Islam all over.

With these facts in mind, contemplate the following three items, one from England and two from Germany:

In England, two Muslims feel comfortable speaking about the three different ways to establish a Muslim caliphate. In this regard, it’s important to note that all Muslims are required to work towards a worldwide Islamic caliphate:
Visegrád 24
@visegrad24 Islamists from @5PillarsUK are openly talking about how to overthrow the British gov. & establish a Caliphate The plan is either to infiltrate the Army & convert its top generals to pave the way for a military coup or just a regular jihadist civil war
8:42 AM · Apr 28, 2024

In Hamburg, more than 1,000 people took to the streets to demand that Germany become part of the Islamic caliphate:
@disclosetv NEW - Islamists march in Hamburg for a caliphate in Germany.
12:19 PM · Apr 27, 2024

Amy Mek
@AmyMek Sreams of Allahu Akbar Echo Throughout Germany! Hordes of Muslims March Through Hamburg, Demanding a Caliphate in Germany and Media to Abide by Sharia Mobilizing the Umma (the global Muslim community) to establish their Islamic Civilization is their admitted goal. Today in… Show more
3:26 PM · Apr 27, 2024

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by hillsy v2 »

Q: So who died at Auschwitz?

A: Not enough Moose-Limbs according to the peanut gallery....

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Tbeck »

Extermination? If you want to call it that but the historical record's indicate something much different.
As I previously mentioned the Nazis were meticulous records keeper's. What they ACTUALLY planned and executed was a plan for maximum production. They had calculated the exact number of food calories for maximum production. Additionally they analyzed how many weeks an individual can work at full capacity, for a specified number of hours each day. Their analysis concluded that an individual given a set number of calories can produce at 100 percent for 6 weeks. After that period production is reduced significantly.
So the Jewish prisoner's were given the established calorie diet for 6 weeks and after that they were given less and less. Very efficient practice. Now you might find that practice inhumane BUT you have to remember the limited resources Germany suffered due to the treaty of Versailles. Feed prisoner's or feed the military? That's a no brainer.
We can all draw conclusions about right or wrong because we have no experience in hyper inflation and the resulting deprivation, and we have no experience with a pre-ww society.
As relax rightly pointed out, NOBODY was interested in the Jewish situation, and nobody was intervening because Jews weren't wanted anywhere. It's difficult for us today to understand the bigotry that existed not only in Europe but yes here in the good ole USA.
So what the open editorial does is exactly what happened from 1933 onward in Europe, only this time it's Muslims with the added twist of immigrant standing.

Regardless of all the aforementioned historical facts, it's a hate piece, no different from the hate pieces put out by Hitler and the Nazis. It's rather IRONIC that the Holocaust is referenced in a open editorial aimed a making Muslims the target for the next one. Even more ironic is that people are joining in. Haven't learned a thing and that's why history repeats itself.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by HARRIS »



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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

Harris, You point well yet another method that nazis used to put forth to rid themselves of the jews.

And what we see nowadays sadly confirms the Factual Reality the Author of the Original Article points out about what happened to Europe afterwards. It's just historically correct reporting of facts. :dunno:
....... I walked down the streets in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth: Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a group of people who represented culture, thought, creativity, talent.
We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who made great contributions to the world, and thus changed the world.

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the diseases of racism and bigotry, Europe opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.
And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it “offends” the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Tbeck »

HARRIS, basically yes, AND it wasn't just Jews. , Gypsies died in much greater numbers per capital, blacks, gays, and even Germans who were married to a Jewish spouse.
In all FAIRNESS it's NO different than what took place in the USA. Prisoner's in the chain gangs suffered exactly the same, lack of shelter, food, medical treatment, and they suffered those hardships because they were considered disposable. Beaten, shot, horrific working conditions.
We tend to lose sight of the fact that the people sent to the German camps were considered criminals, hence the striped outfit and numbers. That's another interesting trivia piece. The camp resident's had a tattoo number because it required less resources than stitching a number tag.
I find the episode in history interesting. It's through discussion and research that questions are raised, and learning occurs. It's quite shocking that an event that involved the entire globe can't be discussed and the history questioned. Always makes me wonder what the powers to be don't want us finding out.
Alas we are straying from the hate article....

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

Being that there is no hate in what Suzuki Johnny originally posted,...let's indeed move back to it's Main Focus,...(Europe, Germans and Auschwitz and what replaced the Jews that died at Auschwitz) and away from impertinent Subject Matter.

Here we see what that article referenced about The Present Day in Europe,...and hope for betterment;

Geert Wilders represents the rescue of Europe from socialist open-borders disasters
By Barry Shaw May 17, 2024

The drift of European countries away from the failed immigration policies of their socialist predecessors reached the Netherlands with the election of Geert Wilders as their new leader.

Wilders will lead a coalition of four parties with a clear agenda of sweeping away the disastrous results of an open border that has flooded the Netherlands with a mass migration from the Middle East. That in turn has brought lawlessness from the rising migrant count leaving the silent majority exposed to behavior that they objected to with their votes.

Wilders announced that his country is in an asylum crisis which requires stronger border controls and internal changes.
The Netherlands will opt out of the E.U. open border asylum system.

It will introduce a tougher approach to terrorism including local street terrorism. That will include deporting criminal migrants in order to make life safer for the Dutch people.

Wilders announced that he will set his country on a new course based on "Hope, Courage and National Pride."
Geert Wilders is also a longtime friend of Israel. He has stated that he will move his country's embassy to Jerusalem.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by hillsy v2 »

I wish cut n paste died at Auschwitz.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Tbeck »

Interesting copy paste BUT it's MISSING a very important piece of information. What's to be done with the migrants already there? Sure tougher internal measure's SOUNDS good coming from a career politician, but it's pure rhetoric.
At the end of the day the opening hate article and the one that designer just pasted tell me exactly one thing... existing law isn't being enforced. It's really THAT simple. Sure you can hate on the Muslims from the first hate piece and you can hate on the middle eastern migrants from designers copy/paste, BUT the reality is that if lawlessness exists, that's a lack of enforcement. There's only TWO group's that get the blame for that, politicians and law enforcement.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by HARRIS »



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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

Quite so, Harris. And dis-inviting,...( as your adroitly chosen of words says)....is not hate.

Seems there are those who just must call pointing out FACTS that were mentioned in the first message as being hate. This is the rhetoric we see the 'cabal' who cannot face up to the HUGE problem that their immigration 'policies' have made. So they stoop to polarizing and extremist word choice and attack instead of accept the obvious mistake made.

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Re: Who Died at Auschwitz

Post by Designer »

Given what was said by the Author of Suzuki Johnny's original posting,...I suppose we shouldn't be surprised by this;

Netherlands first Holocaust museum finally opens with a side of anti Israel protests

Israeli president and Dutch king attend dedication of long-awaited institution that presents history in victims’ own words, opened 80 years after murder of 75% of Dutch Jews
By MATT LEBOVIC March 2024,

AMSTERDAM — More than 1,000 protesters opposed to Israel’s military campaign in Gaza demonstrated outside a ceremony to mark the opening of the Netherlands’ first Holocaust museum on Sunday, citing the presence of Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

The protesters came from the Dutch Palestinian community, Socialists International and Erev Rav, a local Jewish anti-Zionist group.

Whereas other sites in the Netherlands have excellent museums related to the Holocaust — such as the Anne Frank House across town, or the transit camp Westerbork — no centralized site was dedicated to documenting the Dutch Holocaust in its entirety. Likewise, only in 2021 was a monument with the names of Holocaust victims built, against intense opposition from citizens who didn’t want the edifice in their own (formerly Jewish) backyards.

The much-anticipated opening of what some observers call Western Europe’s first modern Holocaust museum was marred by a groundswell of anti-Israel protests.

The Jewish Cultural Quarter, which initiated and operates the new museum, said in a statement that it was “bitter” to open the National Holocaust Museum during the Israel-Hamas war. It said that it supports “a just and secure resolution for all those directly involved,” including Israel’s right to exist and Palestinians’ right to autonomy.

An alliance of more than 200 Dutch mosques petitioned King Willem-Alexander not to attend the opening, and the Rights Forum, a Dutch Palestinian rights group, called Herzog’s attendance and meeting with the king a “slap in the face for Palestinians who are watching helplessly as Israel murders their loved ones and destroys their country.”

Willem-Alexander did attend the ceremony, and neither he nor Herzog directly addressed the protests, which have for months accompanied prominent Israelis in their appearances around the world.

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