this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

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this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by KAJUN »


In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes demanded that the Spartans give up their weapons. King Leonidas responded with the phrase ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ (molon labe) which meant "Come and take them." This led to the Battle of Thermopylae, in which a small group of Greek warriors held off a far superior group of Persians for three days.

Similarly, in 1831, the Mexican army gave a small piece of field artillery to settlers in Gonzales, Texas, to help them fend off Indian attacks. At the onset of the Texas Revolution, the Mexican army asked for the cannon back. In response, the settlers raised a homemade flag with an image of the weapon and the words "Come and Take It" emblazoned across it.

The twin phrases "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ/molon labe" and "Come and Take It" have become synonymous with the promotion of the Second Amendment and other fundamental liberties. They are antithetical to the idea of unilateral disarmament.

Today, snowflakes across the country walked out of class to protest "gun violence" and demand new confiscatory gun laws. The poorly informed young woman in the photo was part of today's Tide Pod Walkout. Note the slogan (and date) on her shirt, and the protest sign in her hands.

Seriously--this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by FallenAngel »

This student obviously knows nothing of the Spartans or the NRA. Back when girls where not allowed in the BSA the NRA gave us classes on Fire Arm safety after the safety course our fathers or in My case Grandfathers would take us shooting to work on marksmanship.
For Me it is really scary what is happening in this country

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by MadCow »


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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

No it's not libtardism, it's part fear, partly a sense of futility, and a HUGE lack of ADULT interaction.
Guy's it isn't happening to us, it's happening to our kid's in our schools and the adult's can't pull their heads out long enough to find solutions.
We need REAL dialogue with real solutions, not partisan finger pointing.
These student protests should be a wake up call to the so called adults, unfortunately that won't be the case.
We don't need bans or confiscation, but we do need solutions. OUR children and grandchildren need us to fix this.

And yes it is irony

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Herb »

Tbeck wrote:No it's not libtardism, it's part fear, partly a sense of futility, and a HUGE lack of ADULT interaction.
Guy's it isn't happening to us, it's happening to our kid's in our schools and the adult's can't pull their heads out long enough to find solutions.
We need REAL dialogue with real solutions, not partisan finger pointing.
These student protests should be a wake up call to the so called adults, unfortunately that won't be the case.
We don't need bans or confiscation, but we do need solutions. OUR children and grandchildren need us to fix this.

And yes it is irony
Actually, it is because of the WRONG TYPE of adult interaction. And the finger points straight at the education and news media system.
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Designer »

Herb wrote: Actually, it is because of the WRONG TYPE of adult interaction. And the finger points straight at the education and news media system.

These student protests are promoted (and in large part funded) by the very ones who need to... Pull Their Heads out. THAT is the WRONG TYPE of adult interaction right there. The Students who are not in favor of gun-legislation as a "solution" are the ones who so very often are NOT invited to speak at the Town Meetings or Media broadcasts. Or when they are,...are SHOUTED DOWN by those who oppose them.

How can there be..REAL dialogue with real solutions,. when the voices of they who not in favor of Gun Control Laws are Squelched Shouted-down and/or Ignored?

Answer: There CAN'T

And it is those very same Gun-Control advocates (both students and "adults") who originated the,....partisan finger pointing.

That, right there,...should be a wake up call to the so called "Adults".

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

Herb I agree and disagree with you. As a society we've demonized guns for a long time, but that's not what these protests are about. These kids are looking to us the adult's, to take the lead and make sure they are safe. We aren't so they are doing the only thing they've SEEN play out for a long time, protests.
What they haven't seen is the adults acting like adults to solve this problem.
Not to be snide here but look at your reply...does it solve anything or educate the young? This is what the kids see so that is what they do.

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by MadCow »

Tbeck wrote:Herb I agree and disagree with you. As a society we've demonized guns for a long time, but that's not what these protests are about. These kids are looking to us the adult's, to take the lead and make sure they are safe. We aren't so they are doing the only thing they've SEEN play out for a long time, protests.
What they haven't seen is the adults acting like adults to solve this problem.
Not to be snide here but look at your reply...does it solve anything or educate the young? This is what the kids see so that is what they do.

Blaming the NRA is clearly a lack of education and is a result of political indoctrination along the way.

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

MC, you are absolutely correct. However where are the rationale adults. I love listening to Dana, but why isn't there a paid if necessary, round table discussion with political entities, public safety personnel, and the NRA's representative, all addressing and explaining the FACTS?
Instead we get the usual rhetorical finger pointing. The right blaming the left, and left blaming the right. Most of the conversation being pure bullshit.
The aforementioned is what our kids see, and they LEARN from what they see. If NO rational voice is loud and clear it leaves CHILDREN to arrive at their OWN conclusions. We know that kid's can hear and see the same thing as an adult and arrive at a completely different conclusion if they are not assisted in analyzing it thoroughly. This is what we are doing, letting children form ideas without proper guidance.
The shooting in FL has shaken the kids more than any school shooting since I've been teaching. The kids are looking for answer's and adult guidance. They aren't getting it.

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Herb »

Tbeck wrote:Herb I agree and disagree with you. As a society we've demonized guns for a long time, but that's not what these protests are about. These kids are looking to us the adult's, to take the lead and make sure they are safe. We aren't so they are doing the only thing they've SEEN play out for a long time, protests.
What they haven't seen is the adults acting like adults to solve this problem.
Not to be snide here but look at your reply...does it solve anything or educate the young? This is what the kids see so that is what they do.
Isn't it the "educators" that are against having armed people to stop this type of evil?

There have been a lot of real adults that have come up with REAL, WORKABLE solutions, for many years. Solutions that have been rejected by the education system in most areas.

The NRA and honest law abiding citizens are being demonized by those that refuse to listen to reality. MOSTLY the "educators".
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Herb »

Tbeck wrote:MC, you are absolutely correct. However where are the rationale adults. I love listening to Dana,but why isn't there a paid if necessary, round table discussion with political entities, public safety personnel, and the NRA's representative, all addressing and explaining the FACTS?
Instead we get the usual rhetorical finger pointing. The right blaming the left, and left blaming the right. Most of the conversation being pure bullshit.
The aforementioned is what our kids see, and they LEARN from what they see. If NO rational voice is loud and clear it leaves CHILDREN to arrive at their OWN conclusions. We know that kid's can hear and see the same thing as an adult and arrive at a completely different conclusion if they are not assisted in analyzing it thoroughly. This is what we are doing, letting children form ideas without proper guidance.
The shooting in FL has shaken the kids more than any school shooting since I've been teaching. The kids are looking for answer's and adult guidance. They aren't getting it.
Uh, there have been a lot of people that have wanted this, and have even tried to get it going. The leftists, mostly EDUCATORS have rejected all attempts to "get the facts out" because the facts refute the socialist anti-gun agenda.

It is still the "professional educators" that refuse to discuss facts. When someone tries to present the truth, they are threatened, attacked and shouted down, BY THE LEFTIST SOCIALISTS.
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

Herb, ok now we are getting somewhere. You are correct that many educator's don't want the responsibility of carrying or using guns, but there are and have been enough to provide the necessary deterrence. So why haven't more schools allowed teacher's who wish to carry, do so?
That's not a easy question to answer because the resistance comes from many front's. Trump found that out when he made the aforementioned suggestion. From my personal experience it comes from a number of sources. First off law enforcement, and then we have teacher Union's. Law enforcement opposes armed teacher's based on a fake narrative that it posts a safety risk. Teacher's Union's oppose based on liability and the role of teacher's. That leads to school board's and parent's. Obviously these two groups can't agree about potential safety concerns and/or liability.
So yes there are teacher's who could and would, but can't because of district, state, or other policy.
In the schools where carry has been approved the board, parent's, and a few teacher's have decided that any safety and/or liability concerns are out weighed by the deterrent a few carrying provides.
So to answer your question, no it isn't educator's opposed to the aforementioned fix. In EVERY school that has adopted a teacher carry policy, teacher's have. Not all and I don't think we'd want that, but enough.
There are 40 teacher's in my building and 23 are NRA member's, another 8 are gun owner's and hunters but are not NRA member's. So saying most are educator's opposed to the NRA is a false statement.
I would be interested in hearing what these "many workable solutions" are you mentioned? We can skip arming educator's willing to carry because I agree that's a workable solution and should be done. What else?

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

You can't wrap all educator's into one, anymore than you can group all military personnel into one.

This attack on educator's is exactly what I was talking about earlier, it isn't helpful.

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Herb »

Tbeck wrote:You can't wrap all educator's into one, anymore than you can group all military personnel into one.

This attack on educator's is exactly what I was talking about earlier, it isn't helpful.
It is the "educators" that have created the problem, you are living proof of that.
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

Herb has degenerated to petty attempts at insult once again when he's wrong and has no rational reply, tsk, tsk....
Now if you mean by your comments that I am proof of rationale and intelligent discussion about the current topic, you'd be correct.
You on the other hand have provided the perfect example of what I have stated. The petty name calling is what our school children see the supposed adults engaged in. In other words you have no solution, you just parrot the same sorry lines

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by KAJUN »

Your argument is based on "what the students see" and they react to that what's happening.....well what I see is the liberal news media is supporting anything and everything the students want to happen with future gun legislation and blaming the NRA for all school shootings....
What a load of crap........This is the problem.....the leftist news media is the problem..... they should be reporting the news ...not making policy.
What will the students believe......what the liberal news media tells them.....there are not two sides to this story being told to these students...
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by sgtcall »

Last month they were eating tide pods, this weeks they are preaching gun control. Why would we listen to teenagers.
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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Herb »

I can't seem to win the lottery. I think I have used up all of my good luck riding motorcycles.

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by Tbeck »

KAJUN, can't disagree with the media comments....

HOWEVER, where are the parents and adults in all this?
The day after the FL shooting we had the big discussion's in my class about how this would all be played out. A week later we had the discussion about how it would be looked at if students participated in a 17 minute walk out.
Now I never tell my students what they should think. I provide them with multiple perspectives and we discuss the pro's and con's of each, then they decide for themselves. Not as a class but as individuals.
The point here is that if we leave the discussion to the media, we can't complain that it's slanted. When given all the facts, and the ability to work through the issues, the students generally arrive at the logical position. We just need to take the initiative to open the dialogue.

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Re: this is the most ironic photo I've seen in a long time.

Post by KAJUN »

Tbeck wrote:KAJUN, can't disagree with the media comments....

HOWEVER, where are the parents and adults in all this?
The day after the FL shooting we had the big discussion's in my class about how this would all be played out. A week later we had the discussion about how it would be looked at if students participated in a 17 minute walk out.
Now I never tell my students what they should think. I provide them with multiple perspectives and we discuss the pro's and con's of each, then they decide for themselves. Not as a class but as individuals.
The point here is that if we leave the discussion to the media, we can't complain that it's slanted. When given all the facts, and the ability to work through the issues, the students generally arrive at the logical position. We just need to take the initiative to open the dialogue.

Where are the parents????? and the adults......????...given the way the left media is grinding out their narratives they are for the most part too scared to say anything that might go against the students ... the wolves are guarding the henhouse
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