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Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:24 pm
by Larry TN
I would put a few bucks in a pool to get fred over to switzerland, if he promised to take some like minded with him, and not return. I read his 4 posts, he is a bit consistent in his confusion.

Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:43 am
by Fred
Aids , Ebola, Parkinsons, Dengi, black swamp, woga woga, car accidents, polio, twin towers, --- all little ways that god uses to tell us that he loves us.

Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:25 am
by Fred
cheapcookies wrote:Ah, aren't you just a bundle of joy.-cc
Thank you --- Good morning is traditional. Well Im off to bed now and its very nearly Friday. Thats a day with religious significance no matter what is your flavour. Could it be that --na na,-- im too tired,-- off to bed. Good night.

Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:11 pm
by YoDude
cheapcookies wrote:No, it's not that.

Are you able to post something positive in this thread?

It's just a matter of your point of view...If you're on one side, you think the other guys are against you, because they try to tell you, you're wrong. If you're on the other side, you try to tell the other guys why they are wrong, because they are saying, you're not right.

Keith and I once had ...well... a conversation over on the purple board, I think it was or maybe through PMs here. I can't remember. Anyway, the banter went back and forth for several posts, and it became apparent to both of us, this wasn't doing either of us any good at all.

He wasn't going to get me to suddenly start reading the bible and he was obviously not going to stop reading his anytime soon. Eventually we saw this and both agreed, to just disagree, rather than get heated over it. The only problem I have now, is knowing that poor Keith is totally wrong and there's no way for me to save him...oh wait....He don't need saving because he COMPLETELY believes he already is.

Well I got to thinking about that too..There ain't nuthin' wrong with him thinking that way. The reason why is because, when he dies, there will either be something, or not. I just think not, but he would still tell me it's not too late to be saved. :bow:


Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:28 pm
by Fred
'Yo dude' is losing it, he can not reply in a coherent fashion and is on the verge of desperate measure like ridicule or worse,--misinterpretation. This I shall use against him. I have no fear of god because I have logic and a brain with just sufficient intelligence to work out that when /if I see god I will be dead.

Fear is an automatic response of any animal to survive a threat of death, but im already dead so what can god do --kill me again.

Just apply a little bit of logic thats all I ask . Kids beleive in Jesus and Easter bunnies but they generally grow out of it by the age of 4. Its astonishing to me that some keep on going believing and embracing it while donating to disgusting Tv evangelists who should be in prison.

I wish I could write in Arabic. Ever read the Holy Koran --- ( chuckling) its not much better than the bible, probably worse.

Though shalt not kill --the penanlty of this is death,---Oh :lmao:

Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:00 pm
by YoDude
Fred wrote:'Yo dude' is losing it, he can not reply in a coherent fashion and is on the verge of desperate measure like ridicule or worse,--misinterpretation. This I shall use against him. I have no fear of god because I have logic and a brain with just sufficient intelligence to work out that when /if I see god I will be dead.

Fear is an automatic response of any animal to survive a threat of death, but im already dead so what can god do --kill me again.

Just apply a little bit of logic thats all I ask . Kids beleive in Jesus and Easter bunnies but they generally grow out of it by the age of 4. Its astonishing to me that some keep on going believing and embracing it while donating to disgusting Tv evangelists who should be in prison.

I wish I could write in Arabic. Ever read the Holy Koran --- ( chuckling) its not much better than the bible, probably worse.

Though shalt not kill --the penanlty of this is death,---Oh :lmao:

Funny guy. Mantis is probably watching you with a close eye.


Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:34 am
by Fred
98VS1400 wrote:Steve, the banter you speak of happened on the purple board before the great crash, so it is lost forever. In fact, that was one of the last religious discussions that took place over there. A 40 pager if I recall correctly.

A Christian's only responsibility is to tell an unsaved person of the Gospel. I have done that with you and many others. If I choose to stand and defend the hope that lies within me, that is great; however, the sustained defense is not required.

Keep this in mind: Any fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.
Oh my god ---seems like ive been sent here just in time. You guys are an embarrassment even to god. You're living in the 60's no one bashes the bible like this any more, all this wise man, fool crap. :bs:

Re: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:33 pm
by YoDude
I think I'm about done with you. Straighten up your act or say by by now.
